
About Us

Pabrick stands for Workshop for Industrial Equipment

Pabrick is a business unit that operates under Alqatiri Technology, ltd. Focusing on engineering, system integration, and factory automation.

Our Offer

Products and Services

Pabrick designs, manufactures, and builds industrial equipment for unique manufacturing process. Hitek provides engineering solution, system integration, and factory automation.

Our Steps

Engineering & Manufacturing Development Phase

Design and Analysis
The EMD Phase starts after successful design and analysis review, this is considered as formal start of any program. The goal of this phase is to complete the development of a system or increment of capability


We have clients in over 25 countries

"Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookm arksgrove right at the coast"

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We designs, manufactures, and builds industrial equipment for unique manufacturing process. Hitek provides engineering solution, system integration, and factory automation.

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星期一, 17 8月 2020 17:54

Objective and Challenge The first step of this assessment will be to collectively create an exhaustive list of processes...


星期一, 17 8月 2020 17:54

Objective and Challenge The first step of this assessment will be to collectively create an exhaustive list of processes...


星期一, 17 8月 2020 17:35

Objective and Challenge The first step of this assessment will be to collectively create an exhaustive list of processes...